Green Eggs... No Ham


I love green eggs minus the ham…sorry Dr. Seuss.


Whether it’s a mixture of savory herbs or a bright green salad with avocado, you’ll get your protein, fiber, all the medicinal benefits from fresh herbs and a satisfied palate to start your day or end your evening. Evening omelettes work for me as well. My new summer garden deck supplied all the herbs!!!!


2 eggs
1 tsp olive oil
salt, pepper, coriander to taste
pat of butter
1/4 of small chopped onion
3-4 chopped swiss chard leaves
Fresh chopped parsley, thyme, scallions
a dollop of milk, whipping cream, or water…FLUFFY OMELETTE SECRET!!!

Mix eggs, olive oil, salt, pepper in a bowl. Keep aside.

Once pan is hot add a bit of olive oil and butter…FLAVOR FLAVOR !!!

Sautee onions first , allow to soften and get translucent then add all the other herbs and chard, sprinkle with salt and pepper

Once chard has softened add egg mixture

High heat to sautee veggies then medium heat for a well done but fluffy egg works for me!!!


Toss salad ingredients below with rice wine vinegar, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar and olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper.

Generous handful arugula
Chopped cilantro to top salad


I’m always satisfied and proud to have gotten a good helping of greens in. FYI all greens can be substituted to fit your liking.